
Hire The Most Successful Outsourcing Sales Agency

We Call,

We close.

Why US

Because you are tired of:

  • HIRING Sales people that DO NOT CLOSE.
  • TRAINING Sales people that DO NOT CLOSE.
  • FIRING Sales people that DO NOT CLOSE.
So much time wasted, so many Dollars wasted and so many headaches for you.

Just Focus on what you do best: YOUR BUSINESS. Leave sales on US!

With WECLOSE is simple, you get our Sales team onboard immediately, you decide how many sales you need and you can decide to increase or decrese them month by month.

Our Sales are high trained by our TRADEMARK Sales Method and with one simple mission: CLOSING.

Our Mission

2 Rules to make money:

  1. The best product
  2. Selling it like crazy

You focus on the first, we focus on selling it. 

Your amazing product and our TRADEMARK Sales method will generate incredible RESULTS for you and your business!

Our Checklist Sales METHOD

Our Method is based on a scientific method, developed after more than 10 years of practice.

3 pillars make the method extremely effective and sales oriented.

  1. Building relationship with the leads in order to create a strong connection.
  2. Qualifying the lead to show them that is not us trying to sell but it’s them that have to qualify to buy.
  3. Closing the lead into a new sale using an advance calling technique.


The team is selected trained and mentored weekly by WECLOSE founder Nicolo Manica.

Nicolo, the developer of the CHECKLIST Sales Method thanks to his experience and achievements has mastered the art of selling.

In fact, Nicolo and his team, have called more than 10M leads in the past 10 years, resulting in millions in revenues for different companies and clients. 
Selling to those leads every type of products, from digital courses to ecom products, from Softwares to Financial products.

Some of Nicolo’s achievement are:
Selling more than 1M$ digital products;
Selling more than 1M$ of E-commerce products;
Selling more than 1M$ in digital courses;
Selling to reach SOLD-OUT of a NFT collection;
Selling Political campaigns.

Moreover, Nicolo is famous for:
Being a University Professor in 2 important Business Schools;
Being a Facebook Ads Mentor
Having raised more than 5M$ for different startups including from Sequoia Capital and Jason Calacanis;
Having won important prizes in the digital industry;
Having taught to more than 1.000 students, including university MSc and BSc students, mentorship students, digital courses and employees;
Being an international speaker, giving speeches at worldwide  (ES, IT, CZ, UAE, UK, GE, PT, CN).


We have generated Millions in revenue through calls from clients in different niches, geos and industries. Our clients have been:


No more wasted time and money in recruiting, training and firing non performing sales guys. Get sales team that is always be closing.